Monday, October 20, 2008

Mmmkay, here we go...

Whelp, there has been a lot of activity 'round the household over the last week or so. There is a new resident in the house, a relative stranger, no pun intended. Our Little Milk Monster has made a big splash in our lives and is taking the house by storm. He's an absolute food terrorizer, consuming any baby-friendly meals within reach with the voracity of a pack of hyenas hopped up on RedBull. His mother, of course, is coping with the usual amount of grace and decorum, not letting the late-night feedings, diaper changings and crying affect her in the slightest.

Anywho, I've got some IKEA Hacker stuff to publish, and I figured I'd create a new blog and use that. Keep a look out for those posts in a day or two, monster permitting.

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